COVID LEVEL 3 - Fruitvale COVID message from Mr McLean

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Fruitvale COVID message from Mr McLean
Kia Ora Koutou,
We are at level 3, February 28 from 6am this morning

Thank you all for your safety and sense over the past days. It is a messy time that together as a giant team we can continue to keep COVID at bay. We are still the envy of the rest of the world and all in our whanau are safe and well. Let's keep it that way

This is a different lockdown, a stepping stone from the last lockdown. This is longer and may be extended. 
So preparing for the worst and hoping for the best is the way to go.

We will be distributing computers from the top of the Fruitvale Road drive, (the drop-off area) tomorrow between 8-11am. 
Drive up the drive and we will be at the gate near the pool.

Don’t get out of your car. We will need your name and your child's/children's name/s and your contacts. We will have a slip of paper for you to fill in with these details. When you have filled in this slip we will give you the computers you need (These computers will have been wiped over) Our understanding is that your children and the computers come back day one after lockdown. Many thanks.

Your child’s teacher will contact you tomorrow if possible but will begin learning from Tuesday.
Please contact me or the office if you require your child to be taught at school. This is for essential workers only. Thank-you.

This period of lockdown is at L3. there is no cluster in the West or any worry related to this outbreak and so we can feel safe. We do not believe there will be any disruption to your child’s learning. Please be kind to each other over this time and we look forward to your children and your whanau all being back at Fruitvale soon.

Take care Whanau
Nga mihi nui….  

Ph/text.. 021129648